When I looked up Wendy Page, the lead singer of this band with a unique album (in every sense of the word), on Wikipedia, I learned that her voice has been compared to that of Kate Bush or Liz Fraser… Continue Reading →
I’m reviewing an album from a time when vinyl still reigned supreme over music. Not for much longer. But it remains one of the albums of my life.
I’m not a musician and I don’t play any instruments. But music is one of my loves. So I’m taking notes in these reviews.
Small as it is, past 25 years, Belgium has been able to boast a musical talent that unites passion and technique in music with a definite soul: Hooverphonic. Review of their first trip-hop album.
“It was such a joy to go to record shops,” claims a Nostalgia host on 15 March 2018 during a podcast by Brice Depasse paying tribute to the enthusiasts who pass on the passion for elpees and emotions on vinyl…. Continue Reading →
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